Our Care
we are for you
Within our center, you will quickly understand that your health is the number one priority for all Caribe Health professionals. We are an additional component in your search forHealth, and together with you we will be celebrating all the goals achieved.
Lachiropracticwith focus onfunctional neurologyis a modern system of application of sensory and locomotor techniques to help improve the expression of health of your brain, and the nervous system in general. A doctor experienced infunctional neurology, would use techniques such as chiropractic adjustments, highly specific eye movements, sensory stimulation, and movement patterns. We atCH we are not interested in covering symptoms, we focus on getting to the root and cause of your health problem, trying to correct it from that perspective without the use of drugs and/or invasive interventions.
treatments very powerful combination of doses_Lascf58dChiropractic and Neurology, equips us with highly individualized and effective treatment strategies for each patient. Click on the buttons for more information.