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What is Functional Neurology?



Functional Neurology is a science-based health care specialty that focuses on optimizing the function of the nervous system using conservative therapies. This specialty involves a functional approach to the analysis and treatment of the nervous system.  Chiropractors specialized in functional neurology (NF chiropractors) are experts in evaluating the function of the brain and nervous system. highly strung. This is particularly valuable for patients with difficult conditions who have not been able to obtain an accurate diagnosis or solution for their problem.


What does a Functional Neurologist do?


We all have dynamic brains that develop based on experiences, the environment, and genetics. Very often, one part of our brain will develop more than another,  or simply by our day to day we favor specific areas. It is this difference that we see in people who are more artistic (right brain) or more analytical (left brain). Normally, this difference is minimal and does not negatively affect our lives.If the deficit is too large, however, can manifest as a spectrum of symptoms includingpain,weakness, disabilities oflearning,movement problemsYdysfunctionsusually. This functional deficit may be present with or without the appearance of specific diseases or those defined by traditional medicine.  However, this does not mean that the condition is psychological or "all in the mind", instead, it is a physical manifestation of a functional deficit.


We treat patients with difficult conditions


Functional Neurology uses evaluations and treatments that are taught in chiropractic schools and institutes specialized in neurology applied to the function of the body.  Where NF Chiropractorsexcel is in the diagnosis and treatment of functional deficits.  To assess the brain and body, NF chiropractors use traditional physiological tests such as:blood pressure, heart rate, muscle testing, Ysensory-motor testof thecranial and peripheral nerves. Additionally, NF chiropractors will tailor functional testing specifically for each patient depending on the patient's current state of health. These functional tests can be as simple as balance, coordination and eye movements, to more complicated tests that represent specific functions of different areas of the brain such as vestibulo-ocular examinations, optokinetic examination, slow-continuous eye movements (pursuit) and rapid-directed (saccade), blind spot examination, radiographs, postural analysis, vestibular system analysis and examination of the cerebellum. 


What types of treatments and diagnoses are used?





























Who Can Benefit From Chiropractic Neurology?


  • Learning and Attention Disorders ADD / ADHD / OCD

  • Depression

  • Anxiety

  • Vertigo, dizziness and balance problems

  • Neuro-development (Autism, Down Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy)

  • Movement disorders, tremors and dystonia

  • Dysautonomia 

  • Visual disturbances and eye fatigue

  • Memory and concentration difficulties

  • Chronic Pain in Limbs/Back/Neck

  • Peripheral nerve injuries (carpal tunnel, cubital tunnel)

  • Reflex sympathetic dystrophy (RSD)

  • chronic fatigue

  • fibromyalgia

  • Irritable colon

  • Insomnia

  • Gastrointestinal disorders

  • Scoliosis

  • Headaches and migraines






How are Chiropractors with a specialty in Functional Neurology prepared?


Chiropractors receive specific post-graduate training in the field of neurology. NF chiropractors are ​supervised_and accredited by an independent board, American Chiropractic Neurology Board (ACNB) To become board certified, a candidate must pass a written, oral, and practical exam after completing a minimum of 350 contact hours in specialized courses. This training is recognized by the National Organization for Competency Assurance (NOCA) and the US Department of Education. More information can be found at


Our clinical director, Dr. Acevedo, DC, DACNB, wants to welcome you to take the first step on your path to optimal health, with an individualized consultation to listen to your health issues and goals and determine if chiropractic with functional neurology can help. 



What do our patients say?

















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Functional Neurology


Hyperbaric Oxygen


Neuro-Laser Therapy


Bertec Balance Test

righteye device.PNG


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Video Oculography


Interactive Metronome



​Urb. El Veterano
Calle 204, Local A
San Juan, PR 00925

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